Coastal Walk From Gullane To Aberlady: Your Complete Guide
The coastal walk from Gullane to Aberlady is a perfect day trip from Edinburgh. Discover everything you need to know about this stunning coastal walk in my complete guide. The wide sandy bay in Gullane is one of the most popular beaches in the east of Scotland, and it is really easy to see why.…
12 Ways To Make Your Travel Time More Fun & Productive
Rather than complaining about the queues, getting road rage, or wasting time on your social medium of choice with the never-ending scroll, there are so many ways to make your travel time much more fun and productive. Whether by bus, train, car, plane, bike, boat, or foot, however, you travel, why not use the time…
5 Amazing Aspects Of Japanese Working Culture According To An Expat
In this post, I share with you five amazing aspects of Japanese working culture from the perspective of an expat. I worked in Japan for two years on the JET Programme as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT). As a foreigner working professionally in Japan, I learned a lot about Japanese working culture. I was amazed…
An English Girl In Oz: Thoughts On Moving To The Other Side Of The World
I was leaving; travelling to the other side of the world; going on the adventure of a lifetime; doing something I had dreamed of doing for years and years. I was leaving my friends; my family; my cat; my belongings – my clothes, my photographs, my books, my bike; my favourite foods and places; my…